Devon Harris is an athlete, an original member of the first Jamaican bobsleigh team, captain of the 1992 and 1998 teams and three-time Olympian. Raised in a humble neighbourhood in Kingston, Jamaica, Devon Harris graduated from the prestigious Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, England, and joined the Jamaican Defense Force. His dream of making it in sport seemed just that, a dream, but Harris found a way to make it happen through drive and determination. His sporting accomplishments with the Jamaican bobsleigh team were the inspiration for the blockbuster Disney film, "Cool Runnings".
Devon's trademark courage has made him a successful international motivational speaker. Around the world, Devon Harris spreads his "Keep on pushing" philosophy, which has helped professionals from multiple Fortune 100 companies in a variety of industries, as well as non-profit organizations, schools and universities.
He is the founder and CEO of the Keep On Pushing Foundation, a New York-based charity that helps children in disadvantaged communities receive a quality education by providing practical solutions to the problems that prevent them from receiving an education. Devon has spent his time visiting troops in the Persian Gulf and across the United States and, most recently, has taken on the responsibility of developing the next generation of Jamaican bobsleighers.
As an ex-military man, Devon understands commitment, sense of duty and sacrifices as ingrained sentiments. A firm believer that the power of persistence overcomes all obstacles, Devon Harris seeks to inspire others to achieve their dream through this same energy and determination that enabled him to achieve his. Devon Harris conveys the message that everyone can keep pushing and working for their dreams every day, in their professional and personal lives.
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