Foto de Alan Tenenbaum

Alan Tenenbaum W

Survivor. Writer, Motivational Speaker




Specific topics

Content MarketingLifestyleNegotiationPersonal growthPublic SpeakingSocial mediaStorytellingauthorschange managementhappinessinspirationinternet marketingpersonal growthpublic speakingsocial mediastrategic planning

Alan Tenenbaum W. was born in Guatemala City on the afternoon of April 22, 1982. From an early age, his three passions have been music, sports and travel, immersing himself in different cultures to learn from life. When he finished high school, he packed his backpack and showed himself to Israel, where he lived in a kibbutz for six months, lowering banana leaves from palm trees and living with people from all over the world.

He had the great opportunity to live four years in the beautiful city of Boulder, where he earned his degree in Marketing from the University of Colorado. Upon graduation, Alan Tenenbaum W returned to his native country where he worked for years in the advertising and marketing industry.

It was another afternoon, but this time in June 21, 2008, when Alan Tenenbaum W. was born again. A mysterious nailed to a pool left him unconscious underwater. Fortunately, his family and friends who accompanied him managed to realize the situation and took it out just in time, before he drowned or suffered brain damage. However, the remains of two of his cervicals impacted his spinal cord, leaving him quadriplegic at twenty-six.

Some very difficult years followed, both for him and for his family and friends, but with a positive attitude, patience and a lot of teamwork, they got used to that new life. Alan Tenenbaum W. continues to fight day by day to seek independence and return to do everything he loves.

Following some notes he wrote on Facebook, many suggested writing a book, something that had never crossed his mind. On an insomnia night an idea emerged that became his first novel, En la Silla de Morfeo.

Alan Tenenbaum W 's mission is to share its history and life lessons, through its books and motivational talks, with the aim of inspiring and touching as many lives as possible, so that they see life and problems with a positive attitude, Teikirizi & Pa'lante!

Following the publication of his book, Alan Tenenbaum W. is dedicated to giving motivational talks, in which he shares life lessons he has learned throughout his "second life."

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