Specific topics
Álvaro González Alorda is a co-founder of Emergap, a consultancy specializing in organizational transformation and innovation management. He has collaborated with over 100 companies in 25 countries: Abbvie, ANDI, Amadeus, AO Foundation, Claro, Conway, Coopeservidores, Endesa, IBM, Mondelez, Nutresa, Premex, ReSources, Roche, Proseín, Inditex or Pfizer, among others.
Alvaro González is Associate Professor of FT, IE Corporate Learning Alliance and visiting professor of other business schools in Spain, the United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. He graduated from the University of Navarra and IESE Business School and has spent a research residency at Harvard Business School. He is the author of the books “The next 30 years” and “The Talking Manager."
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