Albert Bosch

Sport Specialist in expeditions and extreme cruises. Entrepreneur


Catalan, English, Spanish


Specific topics

Change managementSportadventureadversityattitudepeak performancetalent development

Albert Bosch Riera has a long career as an Adventurer, Entrepreneur and Writer.Among many other adventures, he has crossed the Antarctic without assistance from the coast to the South Pole (1,152 km - 98% alone), has completed the project '7 Summits' (Climb the highest mountains of each continent, with Everest as a final point), has participated in 9 Dakars (2 on a motorcycle and 7 in a car), where in 2015 he became the first driver in history to participate with a car without gasoline (100% electric), is a regular runner of Ultra Marathons, and has made more than 100 races or challenges from different disciplines of extreme sports.

Albert Bosch has been an entrepreneur since he was 26 years old, and in 2004 he founded INVERGROUP, as a platform to manage and promote projects in the field of energy and the environment.
In both facets he has achieved some outstanding successes, but also accumulates a large number of failures that he accepts with pride and that are an inseparable part of his life trajectory.

Four books published:

- "THE EXPLORER OF THE FUTURE" - The key attitude to lead the future
- "LIVE TO FEEL LIVE" - 2,304,400 Steps to the end of the world
- "THE VALUE OF THE TRIP" - Lessons learned from 10 historical trips of great explorers
- "SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE" - The 7 Challenges of the Entrepreneur

He likes to consider big challenges, prepare himself thoroughly to achieve them, and organize the whole project to obtain the best result both in the sporting challenge part, as well as in a professional or personal level, and always with a sincere commitment of sustainability and obtaining results, awareness or diffusion of attitudes of responsible leadership and respect towards the environment.

Albert was born in 1966 in Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Girona). He is married and has three children. He studied Business Sciences and M.B.A. in E.S.A.D.E

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