Borja Martín

Data & Marketing driven decisions expert.
Entrepreneur, business school professor, and author.


English, Spanish


Specific topics

Consumer IntelligenceCustomer AnalyticsData-Driven DecisionsOptimization of Management Decision Making in the Digital Era

Who is Borja Martín?

Borja Marín is an expert in Data & Marketing driven decisions, entrepreneur, and Head of the Marketing Intelligence & Customer Analytics Program at ESADE Business School, as well as an author on Consumer Behavior and Market Trends.

He is considered a reference in consumer intelligence, customer analysis, trends, and data-driven decisions for the growth of organizations and the optimization of management decision-making in the Digital Era.

What can you expect from a conference with Borja Martín?

Borja Martín is a regular speaker at conventions and events and has given conferences in different organizations to inspire and train their teams, as well as to foster customer-centric work cultures.

In his conferences, Borja Martín combines the conceptual depth of the world of data and consumer intelligence with practicality and real applications in senior management environments.

With a powerful, clear, and humorous presentation style, Borja Martín connects immediately with the audience, helping them to understand the complex environments in which we live, the reasons behind customer behavior, and what solutions can be adopted to optimize management decision-making.

Borja Martín’s career and contribution to society:

Borja Martín holds a Degree in Sociology from the University of Barcelona, a Master's Degree in Marketing from UPC, a Postgraduate Degree in Marketing Strategies & Executions from NYU (New York, USA) and a PDG from IESE.

Throughout his career, he has been a partner and a director in different consulting firms, among them Salvetti Llombart.

He has participated in more than 500 national and international projects for multinationals and NGOs such as Unilever, Doctors without Borders, Nestlé, Inditex, Grupo Puig, San Miguel and Telefónica, helping them to put their customers at the center of the organization thanks to data and the improvement of the customer experience.

He has been a Professor in the Department of Marketing Management at ESADE Business School since 2007, where he directs the Marketing Intelligence & Customer Analytics program and leads courses in Master's Programs (Executive Education) related to the identification of competitive advantages through customer knowledge and the use of data for better decision-making. He also offers customized training to companies such as Hesperia, Clínicas Baviera, or Laboratorios Ferrer.

He is co-author of the books Fuzzy Marketing (Deusto) and Soul Marketing (Profit). He is a regular contributor to the Harvard Deusto Business Review and a regular contributor to the media.

He currently directs We Are Kale, a consulting firm specializing in customer analysis, markets, and digitalization for decision-making in organizations.

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