raul peralba speaker

Raúl Peralba

Chairman of Positioning Systems and managing partner of Trout and Partners Group. Pioneer in strategic positioning and brand engineering

Diferenciación y posicionamiento son las claves para que una marca sea la preferida en la mente de los clientes


English, Spanish


Specific topics

BrandingPosicionamiento y marcasSimplicidad / simplificaciónbrand engineering

As a pioneer in applying the concepts and methodology of strategic branding, Raúl Peralba is an expert in strategic, competitive positioning, brand engineering and competitiveness. He is also internationally acknowledged as a specialist in place branding and country brand.

In his lectures, he presents his KISS Principle® (Keep it Simple, Stupid), a model to occupy a different and preferential position amongst those who decide or recommend what to buy. To attain this objective, the key is UEP® (Unique Emotional Proposition), or how to use emotions to attract and keep customers.

The question is no longer what, but rather what and how much. This is the difference between the classic strategic planning method and Raúl Peralba’s strategic thinking. This methodology has developed Jack Trout’s ideas. These are proposals that revolutionized the world of marketing and competitive strategy in a world in which the real problem that companies and institutions face is competition.

Raúl Peralba/Ralph WhiteStone is Chairman of Positioning Systems, the leading consultant in Spain specializing in positioning and brand engineering.

He is also the lead partner of Trout & Partners and co-founder of the Network of Competitive Strategy Consultants run by Jack Trout, where he manages the network for Spain, Portugal, Central America and MERCOSUR.

He is responsible for the Spanish versions of the books written by Jack Trout. Along with Trout, he has also written Spanish best sellers: “El poder de lo simple”; “Grandes marcas, Grandes dificultades”; “Las 22 leyes inmutables del marketing y de La estrategia según Trout”. He is also the sole author of the book “Leading Brands of Spain”.

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