Robin Sharma
International Leadership Guru
Author of ’The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’
Specific topics
Robin Sharma is a world-renowned authority on affective leadership and personal success. Sharma is the widely acclaimed author of ten international bestsellers including The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.
He is also Chief Executive Officer of Sharma Leadership International Inc, a training consultancy and leadership development firm whose mission is to help people and organisations to get to their next level of world-class.
Robin’s work has helped over 4 million people in 50 countries along with clients such as GE, Nike, FedEx, IBM, GM, Microsoft, Kraft Foods, KPMG and Panasonic and organisations such as NASA, The Harvard Business School and Yale University.
After a study conducted in Canada in 2008, Robin Sharma was named number 2 leadership guru worldwide, in a ranking fronted by Jim Collins and in which Tom Peters and Jack Welch followed.
Robin is known as a “leader of leaders”, given his extensive coaching activity with CEOs, and he has become permanent advisor in leadership and personal development. Great part of Fortune 500 Companies’ CEOs seek his advice in areas of leadership and change through coaching sessions.
As a speaker, his ability to get messages through to the audience with great passion is outstanding. He is a master at telling stories, connecting with audiences in a way that triggers action.
Robin is also founder of the Robin Sharma Foundation for Children, a non-profit organisation that helps children in need and trains them in leadership abilities.
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