Specific topics
Risto Mejide fame is irrefutable proof that his method works. This Barcelona-born publicist, TV host and writer is an expert in branding and brand content creation, particularly in relation to personal brands. So what defines him? A caustic, direct style that brims with irony, with which he has been able to stand out as a producer in a really competitive way.
The founding principle advocated by the agency of which he is a partner and Creative Director,, is that brands can and must be co- producers of their own content. Risto Mejide maintains that advertising should create experiences and engage people not through formats but rather ideas.
During his career he has been involved in some of the best-known advertising campaigns in recent years, as Creative Director for brands including Danone (the Dannon Company), Turespaña (the Spanish Institute of Tourism), BBVA bank, Vodafone, Munreco (Viceroy), Diageo (J&B, Buchanan’s), Ikea and BMW. He calles his method annoyance marketing and it is connected with his ability to identify positioning opportunities in current popular culture. He demonstrated it as a bold, critical judge on the famous talent show Operación Triunfo and it has enabled him to become Spain’s best- known publicist.
Since then he has published several books on marketing and entrepreneurial initiative: Urbrands, No busques trabajo, (Don’t Look for Work), #Annoyomics and El sentimiento negativo (Negative Feelings). He has also contributed to the book Marketing para Dummies (Marketing for Dummies). In 2016 he has published X about his thoughts and emotions.
He has been a judge on the television talent shows Operación Triunfo, Tú sí que vales, Got Talent, and host of G-20, (a show that criticizes and ranks 20 well- known personalities in each program), Viajando con Chéster (in which he interviews important figures in the current social context) and El Invento del Siglo (that searches for the best new inventions), Al rincón de pensar. In 2016 he began working on TV channel Mediaset on the talk show Chéster in love and All you need is love... o no.
No exigir nada para abrir una cuenta en una red social pasa factura
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Emprender pueden pocos, autoemplearse muchos
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Es más probable crear o inventar un puesto de trabajo hoy día que alguien te lo dé hecho
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Si dices algo y no molestas a alguien… ¡no has dicho nada!
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Marco Matouk
Senior Director of Transformation at Corporación Multi Inversiones (CMI), Entrepreneur and Digital Transformation Expert