Specific topics
Magnus Lindkvist is a trendspotter and futurologist who weaves together the most important and exciting current trends to forecast what life, society and business might look like in the future. With a uniquely energetic speaking style, his talks are a multimedia-infused boost of intellectual inspiration about topics ranging from trendspotting and innovation to future-living and the business world of tomorrow.
His educated predictions are backed by a long and extensive professional journey. Magnus Lindkvist is a graduate of Stockholm School of Economics and UCLA School of Film, Television and Theatre and has since made a career out of fusing the measurability and tangibility of the business world with the imaginative storytelling of Hollywood. He founded his company Pattern Recognition in 2005 to help companies make sense (and money) out of the future. In 2009, he won the coveted "Business Speaker of the Year" award in Sweden. In 2008, he created the world's first academically accredited course in Trendspotting and Future Thinking at Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship. Magnus is also a member of renowned conference TED - technology, entertainment and design, an insanely popular company with over a billion views per year.
Magnus Lindkvist leaves few senses unshaken in his keynote speeches. "With the intelligence of a scientist and the humour of a stand-up comedian", as one listener remarked, "he takes you on a vivid journey that you never want to end." Using measurable macrotrends and applicable consumer insights, he paints a picture of tomorrow's world tailor-made to your particular area of expertise or industry. Magnus' speeches are truly a whirlwind of ideas and inspiration that will energise and intellectually refresh listeners using a strategic mix of images, videos, sound and, of course, a world-class delivery of the spoken word. Surely no listener will remain indifferent to one of Magnus’ speeches.
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