sir howard davies hs

Howard Davies

Director of the London School of Economics (2003-2011), chairman of the Financial Services Authority (1997-2003)

Most people find a mismatch between the concept of the long term of their liabilities with the short term of their assets



Sir Howard Davies, economist and professor at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris (Science Po), was the first director of the Financial Services Authority (1997-2003) of the United Kingdom. He was also the director of the London School of Economics from 2003 to 2011 and served as Deputy Governor of the Bank of England and director general of the Confederation of British Industry.

Sir Howard Davies, who also participates regularly in the World Economic Forum in Davos, joined the board of Morgan Stanley as a non-executive director, and he was a member of the International Consultative Council of the Banking Regulation Committee of China and the Securities Regulation Commission.

Previously, he worked at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and at the English Ministry of the Exchequer. Honorary Fellowship at Merton College, Oxford, he is a member of the governing body of the Royal Academy of Music and acted as a management consultant at McKinsey & Co Inc. and he was Director of GKN plc and member of the Natwest International Advisory Board.

With long experience in finances, Sir Howard is in an ideal position to offer the necessary points of view for taking decisions and has the crucial information for companies wishing to do business in the current volatile market situation.

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