Who is Blanca Moreno-Dodson?
Blanca Moreno-Dodson is a prominent international economist with over thirty years of experience in global development economics. She has specialized in inclusive macroeconomic and fiscal policies, with a particular emphasis on growth and poverty reduction. As a former Director at the UN and Chief Economist at the World Bank, she has exerted significant influence on issues of regional integration, particularly in the Mediterranean, and global fiscal reforms.
How are her conferences?
Blanca Moreno-Dodson's conferences are characterized by their analytical and technical focus, presenting complex ideas in an accessible and innovative manner, with numerous pragmatic examples based on her experience in different countries. Her interactive style, along with her ability to forge effective relationships, makes her presentations an enriching experience, offering valuable insights into the development of nations, as well as the challenges faced at regional and local levels. Her dynamic style always motivates participants, especially younger individuals seeking ways to contribute to society.
What is her career trajectory?
Blanca began her career as a junior economist in European institutions (European Parliament and Commission) before joining the World Bank where she worked for 30 years. Her experience also includes 2 years as a director at the UN. She has published over 50 analytical works, including internationally recognized books such as "Reducing Global Poverty," "Fiscal Policy as a Response," and "Promoting Mediterranean Integration." Recently, her work has been crucial in promoting North-South dialogue in the Mediterranean, especially on issues of international trade and the environment.
Selection of conferences:
"A Planet of Poor and Rich: Where Are We Heading?"
Analyzes the evolution of globalization, emphasizing aspects related to inequality among countries and societies.
"Myths and Realities about Nation Development: Reflections from an International Economist"
Explores effective experiences and challenges to promote economic growth and poverty reduction globally, based on her eponymous book and recent analytical works.
"Governments and Corporations: Fostering a Dynamic Duo"
Presents interactions between the public and private sectors to invigorate an economy. Analyzes aspects of public finance, expenditures, taxes, and the impact of fiscal management on economic activity and social welfare.
"Is Fiscal Policy the Answer?"
Offers a global perspective on the importance of fiscal policies in fostering sustainable growth.
"Promoting Mediterranean Integration"
Highlights the importance of dialogue and regional cooperation in addressing common challenges such as climate change and migration.
"Tax Wars: An Unfair Game?"
Explores how legal tax evasion mechanisms by multinational corporations affect fiscal management and development globally.
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Professor of Economics at Columbia University and Chief Economic Advisor of the Center for Global Competitiveness and Performance at the World Economic Forum