Who is Gonzalo Delacámara?
Gonzalo Delacámara is a senior economist with 28 years of experience in over 80 countries. He is the Director of the Center of Water & Climate Adaptation at IE University and an expert in the economic management of natural resources in relation to economic and social development.
What are his conferences like?
Gonzalo's conferences are noted for their innovative approach to natural resource economics, sustainability, and climate change, with an emphasis on managing complexity and uncertainty. He offers valuable insights on sustainable management and the importance of responsible investments.
What is his background?
Gonzalo Delacámara has advised multilateral organizations such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, the UN, the World Bank, and the IDB. He is the Vice President of Water Europe and a Director on the Board of the International Desalination Association. In addition, he is a university professor and the author of numerous books and scientific publications. Gonzalo is a member of the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance.
Sustainability and Economic Development
Discover how the sustainable management of natural resources drives economic development in this essential conference where global challenges and opportunities intertwine.
The Value of Sustainability: Towards a Responsible Future
Gonzalo explores the opportunities arising around investment in sustainable activities, based on his knowledge of the EU Sustainable Activities Taxonomy and its impact on financial markets and corporate organizations. Gonzalo analyzes how physical and transition risks translate into material financial risks.
Climate Change and Water Security: Global Challenges
Explore the critical challenges we face at different spatial and temporal scales in managing water and climate change in this informative conference.
Biodiversity Economy: the Next Frontier
Gonzalo discusses the value of biological diversity to society and the economy, perhaps one of the most important yet least talked about challenges of our times.
Adapting to Climate Change
We conjugate climate change in the future tense out of grammatical inertia, when in many areas of the planet, this change is a solid reality. Gonzalo shows the relevance of advancing in adaptation, the costs and benefits associated with it, and the synergies with efforts to mitigate impacts.
Sustainability: Managing Complexity
Gonzalo shows how many of the global challenges surrounding sustainability (climate change, loss of biological diversity, desertification, pollution) should not be analyzed with a fragmented view.
Geoeconomics and Geopolitics of Energy: Towards a New World Order
Gonzalo analyzes the geopolitical and geoeconomic implications of the energy transition necessary for the decarbonization of the economy in the fight against climate change.
Economics of Architecture: Moving Towards More Sustainable Cities
Gonzalo examines the sustainability of our urban development models and how the design of our cities has unequivocal implications for energy, water, and food security, or the climate emergency.
Does Meeting ESG Objectives Improve Life on the Planet? The Connection between Corporate and Global Sustainability
From an analytical perspective, Gonzalo examines the connections between sustainability (and global commitments around the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) and their corporate translation (ESG), sometimes limiting and limited.
The Governance of Natural Resources
The concept of governance or good governance tends to be presented in a somewhat limited context, referring essentially to transparency, accountability, citizen participation, and integrity. Despite recognizing the critical value of these factors, Gonzalo goes further by showing that good governance requires overcoming sectoral biases, redesigning incentives, and advancing in innovation in a broad sense.
Sustainability – The Need for New Narratives
Gonzalo emphasizes the need for narratives about sustainability that escape apocalyptic approaches and value judgments, that do not fall into a new dogmatism (a new religion), but rather into rational criteria that also pay attention to the intimate perceptions of citizens.
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