Discover the current global political trends

We reflect on some of the most important and potentially destabilizing political leaders and events of recent times. Trump, Salvini, Bolsonaro, and the driving forces behind the Brexit – but

Keys Both in Europe and Latin America, the rise and influence of populist movements and leaders has been consolidated in 2018 Populism has no ideology, but it is a political

Keys The adoption and discussion of the European Directive have caused confrontation between content generators and tech companies and defenders of an open internet. As long as the process lasts,

Keys: The arrival of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States has meant a protectionist turn in the world’s leading power. European leaders have declared their distrust in

Eight Latin American countries will hold elections over a period of 13 months, and another six in 2019. So, 14 of the 18 countries of the region will have voted

Major technological giants are beginning to experience a gradual erosion of their reputations. Recent cases – such as paying taxes, managing our information and the influence on employment, among others

The accelerated technological and digital advances of recent decades have made the world a more complex, multidimensional and interdependent place. National states have seen their capacity to exercise their political

Populist movements, of different orientations and in different countries, rose strongly with the economic crisis. So, that means that the end of the crisis would also mean the end of