
Margarita Álvarez Pérez de Zabalza

Adecco Chief Marketing Communication Officer (2011-2018). President of Instituto Coca-Cola de la Felicidad (2005-2009).

The only secret is that you really care about people


English, Spanish


Specific topics

BrandingCommitmentContent MarketingCorporate Social ResponsabilityCorporate Social ResponsibilityEducationEngagementPersonal branddiversityfuture of workhappinesshuman resourcesinspirationpersonal brandingpersonal growthtalenttransformationwellness

Margarita Álvarez Pérez de Zabalza has been named by Forbes magazine as one of the 50 most powerful women in Spain and elected three consecutive years as one of the 100 most influential women in our country.

Her career has been linked to senior management positions in multinationals, and she has also had experience in the business world with the creation and management of three companies. She has been linked for 15 years to Coca-Cola, where she has held various positions such as assistant to the president, expert marketing manager and president of the Coca-Cola Happiness Institute.

As head of Thought Leadership worldwide for the Adecco Group, she led the reputation strategy for 62 countries, trustee of the Adecco Foundation and director of Marketing and Communication for Iberia and Latin America. Founder and CEO of the Observatory for Innovation in Employment and Education (OIEE), an initiative aimed at improving the current situation of the labor market.


Happiness, is it a fad?

• What is and what is not?

• Where to find it

• The work of working it

• Some universal keys

Digital transformation that is not digital

• Transformation and aversion to change

• The transformation of people

• When technology helps you to be more human

Thought Leadership: from learning to pronounce it to being able to implement it

• The soul of companies

• How we make companies sustainable

• Become a reference

Diversity and companies

• The future passes through the difference

• When a company needs different people

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