
Luis Rojas Marcos

Science Popularizer and Psychiatrist. Expert in motivation, creativity and generating optimism.

Forty percent of happiness depends on genes.


English, Spanish


Specific topics

Conciliación de la vida familiar y la vida laboralEl optimismo en acciónFluidez mental en el trabajo como fuente de felicidadLa fuerza del optimismoNiños hiperactivos con déficit de atención

Psychiatrist Dr. Luis Rojas Marcos is one of the most internationally respected science popularizers and a highly-reputed doctor and health system manager who has pursued his career mainly in the United States.

As President and Chief Executive of the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation and a member of the city’s Emergency Management, he had to deal with the impact of the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, an experience he captured in his book Más allá del 11 de septiembre: La superación del trauma. (Beyond September 11: Overcoming the Trauma).

“Forty percent of happiness depends on genes”

He has a degree in Medicine from the University of Seville, PhDs from the University of Bilbao and the State University of New York, and specialized in Psychiatry in the latter city. Since 2004 he has been a board member of Catholic Healthcare West, the fourth largest hospital system in the country, with 45 hospitals spread across California, Nevada and Arizona. In 2005 he was appointed a member of the New York State Board for Medicine.

Rojas Marcos has published numerous articles in US scientific journals. He is a professor of Psychiatry at New York University, a fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine, the American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine

In Spain he is on the boards of several foundations and works with institutions devoted to social and health issues.

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