
Michael André Fath

Artist, guitarist, producer and writer




Specific topics

AttitudeCulturePersonal growthTalent developmentattitudeculturemusicpersonal growthtalent development

Michael André Fath is a guitarist, producer and composer, as well as a professional athlete, instructor, novelist and poet. Fath is a versatile and extremely creative artist. His current musical projects include rock groups such as Here, Now and Forever and RavenSong, as well as his new project Lone Holdout.

During the early years of his career, his musical evolution soon led him to become a successful classical trumpet player, having also studied classical piano. After having taught guitar for over 30 years, Michael established himself as a trainer, too, covering diverse musical genres ranging from jazz to fusion, through classical rock, progressive rock, blues, hot-country and rockabilly roots. He is a remarkable musical virtuoso as he can play almost a hundred different instruments.

Multiple large music companies have been attracted to Michael André Fath, who was proved to be an asset for the music industry.

As further proof of his great versatility, Michael André Fath is also one of the best martial artists in the world, specialized in the Israeli art of Krav Maga. Due to this he is involved in training special forces, like police or government security personnel, as well as the students at The Blue Chip Academy, his own school. Michael is very active in this field of training, including other national and international experts.

Michel is now going experiencing a new career path: he is now a novelist and poet, having written in many magazines and newspapers.

Michael is a motivational speaker known in higher education circles. He trains and lectures at prestigious institutions such as Berklee School of Music (Boston), Duquense University (Pittsburgh), Atlanta Institute of Music and Anne Arundel Community College (Annapolis, MD). In his presentations he talks about the music industry, the philosophy of happiness or overcoming failure.

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