christopher gardner speaker

Chris Gardner

Entrepreneur. Inspiration for the film "The pursuit of happiness"

Never let anyone tell you that you cannot do something. If you have a dream, go for it. The people who didn’t make it will tell you that you won’t make it, but if you have a dream, follow it, period.



Chris Gardner is an American entrepreneur, speaker and philanthropist whose life story inspired the film “The pursuit of happiness” starring Will Smith and nominated for an Oscar.

Gardner is one of the most dynamic and active speakers on questions of success and motivation. Few life stories are as inspirational as his. Starting out without even a roof to live under, Chris Gardner's business became one of the most successful stock exchange companies and his biography "The Pursuit of Happiness" reached the top sales of the New York Times and Washington Post. In his book, Chris Gardner explains how he lost his house but did not give up on his dreams of success and managed to reach the top of the finance industry.

The book also served as inspiration for the acclaimed film 'The Pursuit of Happiness', for which Will Smith, who played Gardner, was nominated for the Golden Globes and the Oscars. His book 'Start Where You Are: Life Lessons in Getting from Where You Are' was launched in 2009 and immediately entered the New York Times bestsellers list.

Gardner, a tenacious worker, ended up losing his house due to adverse circumstances in the 1980s, and he was also responsible for his young son. But Christopher was not willing to give up his dreams of success and managed to climb to the top of the finance industry ladder. He is known as a philanthropist committed to many charity organizations and he teaches how to overcome obstacles, break out of negative cycles and overcome the fear of failure.

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